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History of Bessemer Water Service

The Bessemer Land and Improvement Company simultaneously found the City of Bessemer and the water works.  Its first board of directors officially presented the company to the community on January 7, 1887.  Henry DeBardeleben, the company’s first board president, was a large factor in the continuing growth.

The company’s policy was to induce and attract industry to the area, with liberal favor.  Under the committee’s direction, the water works was established.  The water works began with three water sources: the Mill, McAdory and Glenn Springs.  Combined, they pumped out 1,000,000 gallons of water per day.  Hawkins Springs was added for reserves for a growing city.  Since the beginning struggles, the water company has been owned and operated under different names.  It was once called Alabama Water Service Company.

It now operates as Bessemer Water Service and continues to flourish and establish itself firmly in support of the surrounding communities.  Rivers and lakes in the Warrior River Basin provide us with outstanding water for treatment.  Bessemer Water Service uses surface waters from the Warrior River.

Today, the water works serves the City of Bessemer and surrounding communities.  There are approximately 543 miles of water mains and 1401 fire hydrants to provide fire protection.  The system pumps approximately 9,000,000 gallons of water per day and serves approximately 29,250 customers.
